The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of IEEE.

Questions and Answers

What do you believe are the major issues facing IEEE?

  • Continue to ensure that technical activities provide high-quality, trustable, and timely knowledge.
  • Provide agile human-centered technical forums for existing, interdisciplinary, and emerging areas in the evolving world.
  • Support people networking and collaboration, anywhere and anytime, also via social networks and personalized frameworks, especially engaging the young generations.
  • Be in front of evolving needs and challenges of the communities that we serve with an inclusive and open attitude.
  • Be the main independent reference in our fields for public bodies and organizations worldwide.
  • Maintain overall financial sustainability, at the same time avoiding excessive rigidity when investing in innovative activities, services and products.

What do you think the number one goal is for IEEE leadership?

Enhance technical activities in current, interdisciplinary and novel technical fields with new services.
Our technical activities should always be premiere venues for high-quality, trustable, innovative, timely knowledge to address the needs of scientists, professionals, industry, students, and government employees, and to attract new communities and the general public.
Volunteers' technical competencies and enthusiasm are our strengths: we should always value them by nurturing high-quality technical activities worldwide, preserving and promoting diversity and real internationalization, focusing on human-centered approaches, broadly engaging young generations, embracing local identities and communities, and intensifying synergic cooperation with other local and international technical associations.

What qualifies you for the job?

I have been actively involved in many aspects and at many levels within IEEE technical activities, also with significant leadership roles.
I nurtured technical committees, organized high-quality conferences, served archival publications, created educational activities, outreached to technical communities, and had management roles in various Societies/Councils. This has given me deep understanding of activities and a holistic vision for their development.
My competences, interdisciplinary interests, diversified experiences, modern view, multi-Society perspective, and positive energetic attitude will allow me to serve our worldwide technology-centric communities for shaping together our future, aiming to the common benefit with the broadest consensus and collaboration.