'; ?> Vincenzo Piuri - Full Professor [DTI - UNIMI]


1 Contact Information

   Vincenzo Piuri
   Department of Computer Science, Università degli Studi di Milano
   Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milano (MI), Italy
   Phone: +39-02-50316244
   email: vincenzo.piuri@unimi.it
   www: https://piuri.di.unimi.it

2 Education

3 Positions

4 Research

The research activity has been carried out in the field of information processing technology and systems, with reference to distributed, massively-parallel and adaptive approaches, from the points of view of hardware, computational paradigms, and intensive-computing applications. In particular, the following areas have been addressed.

Researches performed in these areas are strictly related since they focus on advanced performances and characteristics, even if they consider different abstraction levels. The main goals have been the development of highly adaptive functionalities and systems, the definition of structures and computational approaches having high computational performance, and the definition of advanced fault-tolerance capabilities. Studies and implementations have been carried out with the purpose of integrating the theoretical analysis with the definition of methodologies and tools to achieve practical results efficiently.

These researches have been carried out within national and international projects, in cooperation with Italian universities (University of Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Genova, Messina, Modena, Pavia, Padova, Salerno, Trento, Udine; Politecnico di Bari, Politecnico di Torino), foreign universities (Austin - TX-USA, Berkeley - CA-USA, Boulder - CO-USA, Erlangen - Germany, George Mason University - VA-USA, Karlsruhe - Germany, Massey - New Zealand, Minsk - Belarus, Northeastern University - USA, Novi Sad - Serbia, Purdue University - USA, Singapore, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - Spain, Wuyi University - China), research centers (Academy of the Sciences of the Belarus - Belarus, Academy of the Sciences of the URSS - Moscow-URSS, ASI - Italian Space Agency, CNR - Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni - Sezione di Milano, CNR - Istituto di studi sui sistemi intelligenti per l’automazione, Consorzio Crema Ricerche, Consorzio Padova Ricerche, CSELT, IRST-Trento, CERN-Switzerland, European Centre for Soft Computing - Spain, Laser Zentrum Hannover - Germany), and industries (Centro Ricerche FIAT, Edison, ENEL, Gilardoni, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Italtel S.I.T., Philips, Selenia, STMicroelectronics, Tecnogamma, Trumpf, Alenia Spazio, Laben, Planetek Italia, Space Sofware Italia, Quadrics Supercomputers World, Space DAT, IMAL, Dermalog Identification Systems, Indra Sistemas, Safe-ID solutions, SAIB, Vision-box).

Main research projects: EU EdgeAI, EU Glaciation, EU ABC4EU, EU I-PAN, EU MARSAL, EU MOSAICrOWN, EU ESCUDO-CLOUD, EU PrimeLife, EU PRIME, EU COST IntelliCIS, ASI COSMO-SkyMed, ASI GUTTER, EU IMS-BRITE SLAPS, EU CRAFT TRACKS, EU META, CERN FERMI, EU Esprit PATRICIA, EU Esprit ARTS-IP, EU CVT CAD VLSI for Telecommunications, MURST-MPI projects - Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research, CNR Progetto Finalizzato MADESS II, CNR Progetto Finalizzato MADESS, CNR Piano Nazionale Microelettronica, CNR Progetto Finalizzato Informatica.

5 Teaching

Undergraduate and graduate courses

International M.S. programs

Specialization school for teaching in secondary educational programs

Ph.D. programs

Summer/Winter schools for Ph.D. students

Steering Committee of Summer Schools

Courses for international scientific associations

Ph.D. supervision

Ph.D. referee/external examiner

Support activities for educational programs

Teaching activities before the appointment as professor

6 Awards

7 Associations

8 Organization

8.1 Research activities

Research organization

Management of research projects

Participation in research projects

Supervision of assistant research projects and positions

Evaluation of research institutions

Evaluation of scientific projects

Technology transfer and spin-off companies

Design activities and public competitive tenders

Services for research and higher education

8.2 Editorial activities

Editor-in-Chief of journals

Editorial boards

Guest editor/co-editor in journals

Steering Committees of journals

Advisory Committees of journals

Reviewer for journals

Book editor

8.3 Conference activities

Honorary chair (selected)

General chair (selected)

Program chair (selected)

Steering committees of conferences (selected)

Other positions in conferences (selected)

Special session organizer

Member of technical program committee of conferences (selected)

Invited seminars and keynote speaker at conferences



8.4 Educational activities

International programs

National programs

8.5 University services

Academic committees

Academic examination committees

8.6 Scientific associations

Technical committees of international scientific associations

Conference coordination committees of international scientific associations

Publication coordination committees of international scientific associations

Educational coordination committees of international scientific associations

Member services coordination committees of international scientific associations

Coordination and management committees of international scientific associations

Award committees of international scientific associations

National scientific associations